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How Did You Miss These?

November 22, 2012

So I am finding it quite alarming that some of my fellow mid 30-year-old friends have not seen some of the greatest movies of all time. Granted just because the movies maybe great to me, does not mean that the average person will find it so life changing.

Today is also Thanksgiving and most of us probably have a long weekend ahead…what better time to educate/re-educate yourself on some awesome movies. In today’s world of over produced garbage, we are constantly bombarded with CGI and countless visual effects. Most of us have to watch shitty  3-d versions of  Twilight flicks just to get something out of the movie…lol. While I am not anti visual effects, there is always something to be said for a strong story told by fine actors. Let’s face it there are some movies that define genres and generations. If somehow you missed these movies, you’re always in danger of ridicule at the water cooler. I personally don’t want to have anyone’s balls busted to hard in a crowd because, you have somehow missed the Godfather for the last 40 years. So here is my attempt at a Holiday movie marathon list for anyone looking to catch up;) If nothing else maybe you will catch some of these DVDs on sale tonight when you are out shopping.

Movies You  NOT Should Have Missed If You Happen To Be Over 30 ( no particular order)

  1. The Godfather
  2. Goodfellas
  3. Snatch
  4. The Big Lebowski
  5. American Graffiti
  6. Scarface
  7. Heat
  8. Pulp Fiction
  9. Jurassic Park
  10. Cinderella Man
  11. Saving Private Ryan
  12. Backdraft
  13. Gladiator
  14. No Country For Old Men
  15. Raising Arizona
  16. Seven
  17. The Boondock Saints
  18. Donnie Darko
  19. Fight Club
  20. Jaws
  21. Taxi Driver
  22. The Good, Bad, the Ugly
  23. Gone With The Wind
  24. Wizzard of Oz
  25. The Town
  26. Rudy
  27. Walk The Line
  28. Man On Fire
  29. Basic Instinct
  30. Lethal Weapon
  31. Silence Of The Lambs
  32. Cape Fear
  33. American Psycho
  34. Vanishing Point
  35. Your pick…leave a comment and let us share the love

Maybe The Next Great One…

From → Movies

  1. Here is a list of my personal faves:
    1. Things We Lost in the Fire
    2. Shame
    3. House of Fools
    4. Sleuth (the Caine/Law version)
    5. Nightwatch
    6. Night of the Hunter
    7. Million Dollar Baby
    8. Everyone Says I Love You
    9. Hollywood Ending
    10. V for Vendetta
    11. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
    12. Singing in the Rain

    And the list can go on but a movie marathon is, after all, a marathon. I would probably also make it a weekend and do all three extended versions of The Lord of the Rings series. I nearly did it in a theater so this would be no stretch for me.

    Thank goodness for great movies!

    • I like all the older/retro picks you listed. I had a guy at work confess he had never seen LOTR or the Bourne movies, I almost shit my pants in horror and called the guy a freak…How can people miss some of these?…lol

      • You may scoff but I have yet to see:
        1. Titanic (probably the only woman who has never seen it)
        2. ET (I know, I know, it’s a crying shame)

        I suppose one day I will watch them. Until then, keep scoffing. 🙂

  2. And I can’t watch Jaws anymore with any sort of seriousness now that I’ve gone shark diving. They are actually not that meneacing.

  3. Great list! Around 95% of the movies you enumerated are my personal favorites too. But I will have to mention the following as well: Kill Bill, Wanted, The A-Team, 300, Edward Scissorhands, Back To the Future, As Good As It Gets.
    I can tell you aren’t much a sci-fi, fantasy or superheroes movie fan. Well, I love them all. Plus comedy and drama.
    Thanks for sharing, man.

    • Thanks for the awesome comment and stopping by. I could have listed 200 movies easily…lol. I left off so many like Braveheart, The Exorcist, Aliens, T-2, etc. I have an awesome movie you should check out called The Raid Redemption. I promose this movie is non stop action and I recently re-watched the movie The Grey with Liam Nesson, also another solid watch. Please stop back by and post as many comments as you like, I look forward to reading them. Take Care!

  4. Oh my gosh, Mike! I haven’t seen a lot of these. But I’m kind of a girlie girl, and I like chick flicks. I loved the Bourne movies if those will redeem me.

  5. I think you mentioned all the movies that were made in this time period…

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